Spin Super

The cream machine

The most innovative and advanced machines for the preparation of cold creams and slush. Offer new ideas and expand your menu.

Slush & Cold Creams

Spin Super models look like normal Slush machines, but are equipped with a more powerful freezing system. As well as slush production, Super models can also chill the product to -8ºC, creating smooth creams with texture similar to soft ice cream.

Show and Boost your Sales

Transparent bowl not only shows the product in motion increasing sales by visual impulse but also, it is much more attractive to see the soft cream we are going to eat than from a container that we do not know what is inside.

10L Bowl Capacity

Featuring a single 10 liters bowl, Spin Super delivers superior performance while sacrificing minimal countertop space. Showcase and highlight your coffee or yogurt cream thanks to illuminated lid. With 10 liters of product, accommodate high volume consumer traffic will never be a problem.

Star Nozzle

There will be nothing stopping you from creating gorgeous cold cream shapes, the star nozzle is perfect for decorating with stars, flowers and borders or create perfect creamy swirls, ensuring excellent visual results as well as fine precision work thanks to their very neat finish.

Fast Serving

In cold cream mode, when the product reaches the correct density, the mixer slows down its rotation speed saving electricity while maintaining the correct consistency, the Easy extraction button increases the mixer rotation speed to make it easier to come out the product.

Save Power, Save Money

Spin Super features and Stand by mode not only for save electricity during off hours but also to sell cold beverages such as fruit juice, lemonade, etc.

Electronic Consistency Adjustment

Super models are equipped with a temperature display, just pressing the up or down arrow when cream mode, the consistency can be adjusted. The consistency range from step 1 to 16 so you can adapt it to your style and offer the best soft cream experience.

Intuitive-&-Easy Controls

First simply flip the mixer switch to the UP position to start the motor, then flip the Refrigeration switch to the UP position to start the cooling process and then flip the Chilled products switch to the UP position to obtain Cold Creams or to DOWN position to obtain Slush.
Spin SUPER 1
SPECIAL VOLTAGE 220V/60Hz - 115V/60Hz
AMP 3.7
PRODUCTION Slush, Creams, Cold Drinks, Cocktails
WORKS WITH Powder, Liquid Concentrate, Alcohol, Dairy Products